To Grandmother's House We Go : Aiea

by - 10:04 PM


I was thinking about editing these photos to match my other image posts, but I wanted everyone to see the true essence of my trip. Anyways, this is a photo set of my first day back in the lovely island, aka my true home, OAHU~ The funny thing is that after nine years of not going back, being there did not feel unfamiliar at all. Honestly, if any of you follow my twitter or know me IRL, you'll know I was absolutely dreading this trip.

I was pleasantly surprised at the fact that I was immediately comforted after stepping out of the plane. The air was different, a good and familiar different. I LOVED IT. Usually, when I'm on an out-of-state vacation, I'm nervous. I am usually filled with anxiety and excitement, but on this trip it was different. Despite how many times I've been to California, I have never been able to shake my anxiety. In Hawaii, I was calm, casual, AT HOME.

Oh, how I wish I could just share that peaceful feeling I experienced... But instead of me trying to explain my whacko feelings, please enjoy my photos. This particular set was taken from the air port to my grandmother's house in Aiea :)

Please stay tuned for more of my travel photos~ ^^

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