Back to the basics.
フリンジT&キュロットSET 8,925円

フリンジカットソー 4,200円
Lately, I've been ditching my chiffon and woven tops. I only want to reach for a nice comfy... BASIC TEE. Those are a few tops that I have been loving for the past few hours. xD Literally just saw them on tumblr and could not stop thinking about them! These tops are from GYDA. Not only are they comfortable looking tees, they have FRINGE! Blah, I thought my love for Momoko Ogihara's MURUA would last the entire summer, but Yuria Kushido's style is creeping up my alley in some very good ways.I don't know much about Yuria, BUT SHE IS FREAKING AMAZING. I have never come across a gyaru model with such an outspoken attitude. Well, there's Wakatsuki Chinatsu, but Yuria takes the cake here! ^o^~~~~!!! I just could not get over her "mah neck, mah back... ah dat song" photo. There's just so much to love in her photos I wont go into detail She's amazing and that's that.
Now a more pressing matter needs to be addressed. As much as I love her line of clothing, some of the prices seem a bit unrealistic for my lifestyle. The first top is actually a part of a set which totals out at an est. $108.60! O_O....!!! $54.30 per piece?!!?!?! I know that I'd be getting a quality products if I were to buy the set, but I will be going to Hawaii in several weeks and need monies for the trip. T^T After a while of *grabby hands* and moping around, I realized that recreating that top would be so bleeping E-A-S-Y to do! In the next few days I'll be gathering materials to recreate this look and maybe even film for the DIY series that I want to do. ^^ I have already filmed a DIY Fringed Crop Top video, but I will film a new one to show how to do longer fringes ^^<333 So until then, please enjoy my DIY Fringed Crop Top Video :D~~~~
P.S~~~ Here's a link to my original entry DIY Fringed Crop Top
(WARNING: video contains kpop music!)