"A" is for Acne.

by - 8:44 PM

Note: I edited le SH*TE out of these photos (obviously..)

Its been a while since I've posted my face online. I have had a major bout of acne and it has recently begun to clear up after using some medication that my dermatologist prescribed to me. If I'm courageous enough, I'll dig up some before photos once all of my acne has healed. Although, I see results, my acne still makes me self-conscious.

On more than one occasion, my acne has thoroughly trampled my self-esteem. A few weeks ago I went on a date and one of the first things that my friend commented on was my acne. I felt HORRIBLE. On another occasion, at work, I was scheduled with a co-worker who I had not seen in a month and the first thing she said to me was, "Hey Je-- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?" ;^:... Initially my co-workers reaction made me feel awful, but I realized she'd be the best person to go to if I wanted to know if my acne is really clearing up. ❤

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