CONFESSION: I've always thought "I don't have large eyelid space, therefore I cannot wear eyeliner or eyeshadow." As of lately, I've come to understand that, those countless of make-up videos I watched just weren't for me. After years of being unsatisfied with my eyelids and failed attempts at re-creating youtube looks, I've finally come across a look that just made everything click.
In some miraculous manner, bubzbeauty has just made sense of every failed attempt I have made with make-up. Literally, I just watched her "HyunA 'Bubble POP!' look" and it took four little words to get me into my bathroom to give eyeshadow another go. "JUST BELOW THE CREASE." LOL, since watching the video, I have been happily sporting eyeshadow below my crease. My eyeshadow isn't obvious, but it's the look that I have been searching for. It's subtle and easy on a complete make-up n00b such as myself.
Woot woot, so this is still a "Day 1" photo set... There's a photo of me & my bro at a Payless trying to kill time before check-in... I regret not taking more pictures of this shopping center. My childhood consisted of FUN FACTORY... Sad to say, I was in a bad mood because I had to pee really bad at this particular stop. ;_;
Cute nomzzz at the Liliha Bakery ;3
HOW DO THE LOCALS DO IT?! I get really moody and anxious in unorganized environments :( I certainly would have caused a scene if the "line" got any worse. (lol, my anxiety is legit though... I tried shopping with bro on the weekend and I literally panicked... we just had to GTFO before I started crying :$ Learned never to do that again... )
Me just being the freak that I am ^^ Sporting my beloved & forever lost EOS WBK-3's
All you IRL friends know that I am a F R E A K for CUSTARD! I swear, I LOVE custard ;A; That's what sucks about the mainland (aka the continental US) NO CUSTARD VARIETY! Vegas has plain old custard an pan, egg tart, and some crappy version of custard pie ;( GAH, I went custard crazy in Hawaii...
LOL, this is the area where my dad's cruise ship would port. I remembered as a little girl I would bawl before he had to leave -_-... Looking back, I was an idiot, my dad always came back each Saturday of the month! xD hahaha~~~
LALALA~~~ creeper shot of a cute couple on their way to their wedding shoot~ :3